Monday, September 23, 2019

Gender Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender Roles - Essay Example On Fridays, Muslim congregations set children, woman and men in distinct groups. While at home, men are regarded as the heads of households, and they are the ones that lead the prayers (Okkenhaug & Flaskerud, 2005). Within a marriage context, mothers are highly appreciated, and the greatest achievement for a woman is motherhood. While in the family, a believer is not permitted to treat his wife in a harsh manner, even if he does not like her. Today, most scholars stipulate that husbands are supposed to treat their wives based on societal norms, and emphasize on mutual agreement while making family decisions (Moghadam, 2003). In the Middle East context, the role that each gender plays is guided by religion and culture, which creates room for a cruel tradition. The factors that contribute to the oppression of women in India consist of religious, economic, education and the various geographical locations in the country (Chakrapani & Kumar, 2002). Women are associated with low social status, though most of the practices that Hindus engage in are dedicated to them. However, most of the laws in India do not treat woman fairly like men (Nanda, 2009). Therefore, it is evident that the diverse roles that genders play are associated with the different cultural practices and the geographical location of a particular society. The history of women has not been well documented prior to 1500 because the word â€Å"man† stood for both men and women. As a result it was believed by most student scholars that history only comprised of men. In Middle East, just like men women revolved around the normal activities of war, diplomacy and industry. According to the Middle East history, there are some activities that women have played a greater role than men (Okkenhaug & Flaskerud, 2005). These activities include: healthcare, childbearing, cloths production, arts and religion. In the current society, women are engaged in vast activities that they were not

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